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Monday, June 30, 2008
@ 5:39 PM i'm not ganna be around from 2morrow til saturday coz melaksanakan tugas negara..hahahahaha... so mintak2 la jgn beku jer masa i'm x on9 4 dat period...sesaper yg request tu InsyaAllah akan cuba di penuhi depends on masa time tu k..kalo ada InsyaAllah ada..kalo xder jgn mare erkk... blk nnti i'll repot wat happen time aku xder tu...hopefully sumthing interesting n memorable..... ![]() chioooooooo.... Labels: my.life
Friday, June 27, 2008
@ 5:50 PM korang penah kena pow?????aku penah la sekali masa zaman2 bdk3 sekolah dulu...tp yesterday it nearly happen 2 me... yesterday...since fixa nak p keja so i asked him 2 drop me by at IMR since i could take bus 2 go back to seremban by bus..it was about 7.30 am...not really early kan..da reason i wnet back 2 seremban early coz i didn't need to share y seat with anyone coz x rmi yg akan naik ke seremban...so bes la kann....aman idup... i decided 2 take bus in front of HKL coz senang la psl kat situ rmi yg akan naik bas...on my way to HKL suddenly there's an India guy asked me wat time...so i just told him la...don expected more la coz dia trus jln laju... then he stoped n asked me whether i'm malay or eurasian coz he told me dat da way i talked like eurasin...(WTH kan...i realise dat my english sound typical malay...frankly.....)...dlm ati aku cakap...it gonna be sumthing wrong with dis guy...it was true... then he started told me bout himself...he's from shah alam n has been chased out from home coz he converted 2 Muslim...2gether with a piece of photocopy paper he wanted me to read...aku sendiri x paham apa yg tulis kat kertas tu..i just ignored wat he's talking n just gave da paper back to him... them he asked me 2 give him RM3 2 went back to shah alam...dat time laie la aku dh tau niat sebenarnya from da moment he asked da time...with all da self experiences n friends' i just told him i only hv enough money to go back 2 seremban....at first i wanna gave him RM1 since b4 dat i've prepared RM3 4 bus fare then i cancel my intention coz once u give even a single cent they will tried very hard to ask 4 more or even more than wat they ask 4.... after he realised dat i knew his plan then he just left n mayb asked from some1 else....i felt relieved after n thankful coz he didn't try to do extremely....then bus pun spi...trus la laie lega beb.... there're a tips 4 us if u face that situation.....
i think dat's all yg leh aku share ngan korang...once again jaga diri n ur belonging very2 well...kalo bkn kita saper laieee...don be a victim to dat "jerks".....
@ 1:48 AM ![]() ![]() actually we've planned 2 give her telur 4 her birthday....but she doesn't know wat da telur exactly...mayb da others pun x paham kot simbolik telur tu 2 birthday girl tu...anyway dh lepas pun kan... 2 faxa kitorg rational laie nak baling telur kat ko...xkan la nak baling kot...sia2 jer nnti kena tembak ngan M16 made in T*a*l*n* tu...huahuhaua...(larikkk!!!!).... akhirnya aku pasan yg TELUR FEST yg kononnya kitorg nak bg kat birthday girl tu is food that contain eggs...yer lerr...jus look at da foods yg ada masa suprise tu - cakes, puding,etc....kan elemen2 nya adalah telur...x gheti2 laieee...hahhahaha.. n yg suprise nya bler birthday girl sendiri menitiskan air mata...xtau psl apa..mayb psl videos yg kitorg wat utk dia..akhirnya misi nak wat org nangis berjaya gak after misi nak wat makcik sorang tu gagal.... (alasan nya masa kat kfc tu rmi sgt org!!!) per2 pun puas ati gak la kan bler semua benda berjalan lancar n plg perit bg aku bler masa nak tiup belon bentuk love tu meletup beb masa tgh tiup...perhhh mmg bisa gler la bler belon tu meletup n kena kat leher ko...ishhhh.. nothing much 2 say...i just want 2 wish 2 faxa once again HEPI JADI ORANG TUA....hope u enjoy n happy with our suprise even not so suprise 2 u....coz it's so obvious kannn... orait dat's all... i wanna watch semi final euro between spain n russia...hopefully my 2 fave teams (germany n spain gonna meet in da final dis sunday...) chioooo..... Labels: my.friends
Thursday, June 26, 2008
@ 10:57 AM TRAINING 23-25 JUNE 2008 finally after 3 months dpt gak aku kembali ke arena angklung...i really miss 2 pegang angklung dat's y la I just accept when faxa ask me to join...psl kalo lama sgt cuti dr arena tu kompom la senang nak senget kpala otak aku next time cam sengetnya makcik sorang tu...huahuahaua .. it proven when my 1st training...even my angklung note yg biasa aku main tu pun aku leh blur + blank atda same time...not only angklung number aku blur but also jd nak pengsan bler tgk all da notes 4 all 10 song that we've 2 play on 25th...dat's y la makcik yg tu gak yg nyakat aku bler aku terhentak kaki masa training..nak wat camner la makcik...dat's da way saya nak lepas geram bler benda yg saya penah wat b4 dis sy blank n luper...ada paham??? lol lol... i've a hard time bler msuk part lagu critical cam Lambada n Kopi Dangdut yg saya rasa laie ssh dr {oco2 (althoughrmi x minat nak main Poco2)..but i like it coz dat was my 1st long song yg aku main masa engintex dinner last sem...by hook or by crook i've to learn dat song...ngan penderaan yg bapak wat finally dpt gak la catch up lagu tu even in 3 days time...n credit 2 all performers yg sama2 gak men CHANTEK kan lagu2 tu... 2ward da performance day (June 25th) aku rasa smua dh excited kot nak perfrom especially aku coz once again with 3 months tu (klise kannn...wat evaaa...)i think da most interesting n funny moment masa dh abis training tu...telah di jadikan makhluk Tuhan bernama L telah mencemar duli ke bilik angklung pada malam tu...membuatkan makcik dan makcik sehingga membuatkan sorang makcik tu terkujat utk menruskan misi utk isi perut yg telah lapar dengan mee goreng mamak itu...dengan dramatiknya kerusi menjadi tempat melepaskan ketakutan yg amatt....bertatahkan sudu n garpu ditangan yg tersedia menggigil....wat a moment mlm tu...kalo la ada camera time tu dh kompom akan ku rakam wat memori terindah...hahhahaha enough bout training....let's move on to wat happen 2 performance nite.... PERFORMANCE NITE - 25 JUNE 2008 with 3 days training we are ready to perform...da event organized by psychology's post-grad n da special guests r Thailans's students..so we have to perform our bes to entertain them...da performance start with Enjit2 semut...then we stop 4 Isya'..suddely aku dh nampak my fave food - satay...OMG mmg tergugat iman skejap..aku ingat aku sorang jer yg x kuat iman ngan satay tu...tgk2 ada laie sorang tu yg laie over smpi note dia trus ilang...katanya kat note tu dh nampak satay..laie horror kann...hahhahah... overall aku ske gler ngan performance nie psl da audiences really enjoy with us n not hasistate to clap their hand n sambutan diorg mmg gempak..n respect la...diorg x hirau lgsg pun makanan depan mata diorg psl agaknya terpesona ngn kitorg smpi every song diorg tepuk..diorg kat bwh enjoy kitorg pun mula enjoy...sorang dpd j abtu trus bergoyang... climax nya performance tu bler diorg tepuk tangan 2gether bler lagu rasa sayang...mmg excited gler bler diorg pun sama2 tepuk tangan..laie la sorang bkd IAG nie main laie semangat including meee....at least org luar mmg hargai kitorg..psl mayb angklung sumthing yg unfamiliar ngan diorg kann... other than great performance..kitorg gak di saji ngan really nice food..smpi sorang dh x larat nak ngabiskan nasi yg committee dh bg kat kitorg...satay, laksa jhr, salad, etc..tp xder la semua aku nak sumbat kannn...ahhhahha.... after all...a great nite with a great audiences....puas hati gwe...ada jer benda x puas...bler aku tersalah main n tukar angklung dr F ke 0...supposely lagu Lambada aku kena main F n suddenly ngan bengong nya aku tertukar ngan angklung 0..padahal angklung 0 tu aku kena main utk kopi Dangdut...smpi la ada la sorng tu pasan aku xmain F...tp respek la kat dia...dpt gler dia tau F xder...respek la ko...hehhehe...nak wat camner..KITA KAN MANUSIA BIASA!~!!!! it's really experience yg plg berguna spy aku x wat laie benda tu.... i really hope 2 perform on 28th..unfortunately meeting aku kena di dahulukan..but Insya Allah i'll give my commitment 4 next show...orait erkk kak atun.... i tiks dat's all la bout training n perfromance...jap laie i'll post bout telur fest dat happen to some1 yg dh cuak since last 2 weeks...heheheh.. chioooooo Labels: my.angklung
Sunday, June 22, 2008
@ 4:26 AM dis my 3rd layout...just ordinary one (still lookin' 4 extraordinary layout...) since i'm da biggest fan of One Tree Hill..so i dedicate dis layout 2 all OTH fans...(seriuesly i can't wait 4 September)... i'm using different colors dat i think suit with da background...(black still bautiful ritee!!!)...with xtra avatar that i took from one of da OTH fan site...still working on my own avatar...even i've experience on doing it but "malas" always ada....nnti la mayb bler blk uia blk since xder internet connection.... lol lol so as usual...i need ur comments n critics 2 improve 4 future... chiooo....
Saturday, June 21, 2008
@ 7:50 PM no...i'm not asking ur money, dude... it's just behavior manusia2 kat malaysia ni yg cam x penah tgk orang...as most of u know that i'm a person yg ske kuar sorang2...da reason???coz i can do anything that i want..then x strict 2 anyone's order n i really need my privacy at dat time... tp x la semua i'm da person yg x nak berteman kalo p mana2...if someone tu mmg ajak aku n beria2 sgt i'm willing 2 follow them...but most important thing i'm prefer to go anywhere alone.... even kat uia pun kalo aku rasa nak kuar 2 buy something aku x akan pikir saper aku nak ajak kuar...coz kalo aku ajak jer kompom la ada alasa..then if tau jer aku nak kuar dan2 tu la dia mintak aku beli barang...especially if i wannna go to Low Yatt...(i'm x refering to anybody...saper terkena tu paham2 jer laaa)....they just use me if they really desperate... kisah nya camni...let's related 2 da title...camni...since aku nie ske kuar sorang2 especially kalo aku terasa nak kuar gak withou ajak sesaper...of coz la sumtimes kalo kita jalan sorang2..people will look at u...it's ok laie...aku x kisah sgt... yg wat kekadang aku tensen bler aku nak makan..alone...n people will look at me just like they didn't see people b4... byk kali dh org tengok aku cam jakun...nak jer aku ngamuk kat diorg AM I ASKING UR MONEY??????aku dh la jenis manusia plg benci kalo org tgk aku slack..laie la kalo org tu pandang slack masa aku tgh makan...cam la aku makan tu mintak duit dia smpi pandang aku cam x penah jumpa org....benda tu mmg pantang aku...dlm byk2 benda leh di tgk....aku gak la diorg duk tenung....tau la aku popular kann...hahhahah.. am i asking ur money???? No, rite....so please halakan ur view to other side n stop gossiping n looking at me!!!!! dat's all folksss.... chiooooo......... Labels: my.life
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
@ 1:26 AM
Labels: my.entertainment
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
@ 3:25 AM last weekon thursdaysome of u know that knew that i went 2 UIA to take my sis' thesis form since she still in 'pantang' condition....so i didn't know anything dat happened at house... dat evening i went back home n suddenly my sis sathing wrong about our astro n phone line...as u know my phone limne also connect 2geter with my internet... WTH kan...what's wrong my astro coz it's nothing happen da last time i watched it that is UERO match (i didn't remeber wat match n i don want to remeber either... ;) )... i just ignore dat la coz my mum said mayb datnite akan ok la coz i happened b4...so just wait n wait...dh la astro xder n then internet pun laie la tensen aku tahap memuncak..nothing i can do man at dat critical time... so dat thursday nite was a nitemare 4 me....huhuhuhuhu on friday i started 2 call astro n telekom...overall they said that they will fix ASAP...except 4 astro we hv 2 call technician coz it's related to da decoder... still they didn't fix anything n da astro technician didn't find my house (coz my house n dat taman do not hv any specific Jalan name)...another day yg horrible 4 me... on saturday plak..early in da morning da astro technician came n repair my decoder....Alhamdulillah la everything fixed... then my streamyx box smpi...so i think perfect time la 4 me coz i can using it without any doubt of having a long time (tau2 la kan kalo guna line...)..so once again i called telekom n made another report n again...n again up 2 10 times i've to called telekom...stil they said that they still woring on it...aku leh la sabar laie until la they said that it will be done after 3 p.m n then still camtu gak... i done with it...malas aku nak call telekom dh...da response still "kitorg tgh repair nie....laie 30% nak siap".. i asked them when da 30% done n how big dat 30%....they just quiet jerr...kompom xtau nak respon apa... kita kalo dh wat benda yg sama byk kali kompom la akan boring n tensen kan..same goes to me...i just wait n see jer wat will happen ngan phone aku tu...smpi la ahad aku mls dh nak wat apa2...i just my dad to take da next step... pagi td mmg dh tahap critical la..maunya telekon akan kena bakar ngan famili aku coz still nothing they do 2 fix our prob...ptg td mmg dh smpi climax la tahap sakit ati + bengang tahap mendidih laaa... it's my dad's turn 2 called telekom after me n my bro did work nothing...if it involved my dad mmg silap ari bln laaa...4 da 1st time since a long time my dad ngamuk sakan kat telekom tu....da whole house mmg dengar la or mayb smpi my neighbours' skali...aku rasa kalo la org tu jenis yg x tahan maki maunya nangis beb...apa xnya they gave us a really stupid n nonsense reasons...mmg silap org la bebbb... then after 10 min suddenly ok dh phone aku..then we conclude dat my dad seem like has a power 2 make people follow him....more or less mmg betul pun...dh byk kali dh benda camni abis...my dad ngamuk jer after dat things come 2 normal.... so aku rs mmg 2 ari xder astro n 5 ari without internet makes me dumb n x tentu arah gak laaa.. dh la aku missed a lot of tv prog including euro matches then internet lak aku x leh nak update of anything... hopefully la benda nie x jd laie kat famili aku...mg tahap angin la kena camtu in one time..... chiooooo Labels: my.life
Sunday, June 8, 2008
@ 11:13 PM TAGGED!!!!! tq 2 azuwachan 4 da tag.... 7 FACTS ABOUT MISTAGRAX
dat's all folkss...... ![]() Labels: me..myself
@ 5:31 PM after designed it about a week that most of it hardly designed 4 the banner..finally i managed 2 publish da latest layout...just simlar with da previous one..coz my creative mind was block n blank at all... dat y it just a lil bit different laa...but still i try n try 2 design a different layout like dis one... once again i need ur comment... 4get bout da layout... today or in detail last week i've 2 fave things 'rosak'...1st it was my mp3 player yg dh x leh nak recharge da battery...so if cannot recharge it means that i cannot using it laaa...OMG....dup aku akan rasa bosan alo kuar umah... :( da most sad moment happened pagi td...i'm just arrived home from uia 4 induction course(i tell u later bout da course)...straightly do da laundry...i'm totally forgot to take off my cell phone even though i've take all da coins from my jeans... u can imagine la kan when ur phone tu dh msk dlm machine kan with water....kompom la ur cell phone tu akan rosak...memula aku x pasan sgt la until my mum said that sumthing in da machine... not 2 mentioned byk la...aku dh blur dh nie....main enset aku dh rosak...my other phone plak mmg bengong gak laa....now i cannot do anything la except using that bengong phone... enough said laa...i'm still said bout da t phone... :( :( :( Labels: my.life
Friday, June 6, 2008
@ 3:36 PM it's my 1st6 time review novel dat i read....actually ramai kot tau psl novel nie + film dia pun akan kuar kat malaysia dis year gak... 1st of all dis id my 1st islamic novel yg aku baca...aku terjebak nak baca novel nie bler rmi review dis novel as a BEST ISLAMIC NOVEL eva in of of da forum...novel nie dh kuar kat malaysia since 2006 n i just pandang2 jer novel nie coz i think it's a motivational book yg byk kat msia ni without realize there's something special bout that book...as i said i only thought it just ordinary book..that's y we don judge da book from it's cover....hayati or dalami da secret inside da cover.... after a fantastic review n recommand by kaki novel aku pun bought dat book last week n start to read it...it wrote by HABIBURAHMAN EL-SHIRAZY da ex Al Azhar student from Indonesia...my bro in law said that he was my bro in law's junior masa blaja kat Al Azhar tu... let me share da review u guys...
aku rasa tu jer la kot yg leh aku share ngan korang...apa yg aku ingat...actually there's a lot benda yg aku nak share..but aku tkut kang ada yg bosan n takut ngan spoiler yg aku bgtau (those yg tgh n lum baca laiee)..
4 me AYAT AYAT is the best novel eva yg aku baca even this is my 1st Islamic novel...i adorewith the writer...n i will be his fan after dis after read this wonderful n awesome novel...aku mmg recommend la those yg kaki novel n even yg bkn kaki novel to read dis book... RM18.30 that i spent for dis novel is really worth a lot...beside dpt read da story we also can learn sumthing from it n become a true Muslim - Insya Allah.... after dis i wanna buy this writer's books yg au dh ushar lately..mayb i wanna be his books as collections n inspiration....jus wait 4 money 2 borong al his books... btw mayb ramai tau novel ni dh di adaptasi 2 film...i still waiting 2 watch it..n i wanna compare both novel n film whether da film still follow da novel or not..from wat i heard mayb da reader will be frustrating a lil bit with da film...ok i'll watch it n then i'll review da some as well.... once again..kalo nak baca sumthing yg calm n x nonsense...this novel is da one.....
Labels: my.review
Monday, June 2, 2008
@ 11:53 PM 1st of all..don speculate anything bout da title…it’s x related 2 me at all…y I’ve 2 get married even I don hv any calon at all…. Ni citer psl my adik angkat masa kat sekolah teknik…I received huis message just now…dh lama gak la kitorg terlost contact…just a light topic ~~ yg related to update of ourselves.. Suddenly he start talking about kawin…WTH kan dia nak borak psl kawin ngan aku nie…b4 dat he da same age of wawa, luz, fixa, nawal n shyuq jerr…he finished his diploma at one of da polytechnic in kelate…meaning he just 23yo….still young rite…like me….hahahahha From my view he just naïve guy yg baik, kira kalo wat menantu mmg untung gak laa…hehheheh He said that we really care n crazy bout his girl sampai mati…in short..he start 2 jiwang la gak…he x da person I’ve ever known before…MY GOD….wat happen 2 him erkkk…totally lost laa… He said that he wants krja eras only 2 propose dat girl b4 someone potong line him…once again…my heasrt said OH MY GOD!!!!!! Mayb he trying 2 pretend to be too mature…I don hv da answer…mayb pasal environment dia yg x like us (especially students laaa) yg think that they r ready enough 2 hv dat kind of responsibility… Just like me..i don think about that issue at all coz I know my situation, responsibility n my typical thinking – I need a long time 2 enjoy before face that situation…. I only can give him advice – “don deeply love someone yg bkn hak kita laie…coz anything can happen coz people can change even in 1 second”…. Hopefully he will keep in mond wat I’ve already advice him…. Labels: my.life