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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
@ 9:56 AM 1st of all..makcik jgn x pasan diri tu stalker k...hahhaha...i'm x talking bout u k...hahhahha.... dis post about wat happened 2 my bes fren kat UIA niee....yesterday she told me that someone has print out her friendster's profile @ KICT Gen Lab.....how she find out????dat j*rk viewed her profile n then print it without any relevant reason (perhap).......then dat j*rk forgot 2 take da paper dat he/she print....nasib baik la my fren tu ternampak paper tu...she said n showed me da whole complete profile.... gler arhh...dia dh kira cuak gak laaa....then she viewed all da person who viewed her but xone from KICT dlm list tu...poor herr...dh seriau dh dia bler ckp ngan aku... is it stalkers or dat j*rk accidently print her profile...then she report 2 KICT technician n da technician asked her to report to ITD n then they might trace who da dalang from dat... x much 2 say la...kira korang yg lum kena beware jer erkk ngan sesaper nie...kita x tau hati manusia n apa yg leh diorg wat....kalo ada benda yg pelik tu just hati2 n cpt la repot kat sesaer k.. dat all la...i really hope dat everything is fine n she can does anything ngan aman without any disturbing... p/s: reminder to those yg akan reg wireless kat cac...becareful of ur lappy erkkk coz there might j*rks yg target ur lappy...so bawak la benda alah tu mana2 k... Labels: my.buddy
Saturday, July 26, 2008
@ 2:38 PM i'll review 2 different thing - film n novel.... THE DARK KNIGHT aka BATMAN ![]() but since there's a lot of positive comments from mags n wawachan, terasa plak excited nak tgk..coz people said that this is the best batman eva...plus Joker which is da last film by Heath Ledger n da bes antogonis ever in batman history... bout dis movie...
once again those yg lum tgk film nie laie better hurry laaa......kepuasan tgk citer nie ada kat situ...if u want sumthing yg action - u can get with dis film...if u want sumthing yg leh release tensen u can it too..so everything dat mayb u want u can get with dis THE DARK NIGHT!!!.. njoyyyy... KETIKA CINTA BERTASBIH (EPISOD 1) ![]() b4 dis i've reviewed Ayat Ayat Cinta by Habibur Rahman El- Shirazy n fell in luv with his writing..now i've finished his other novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih...actually it has 2 episod..but let me review bout 1st episod....unlike ayat2 cinta yg nore to love n kesetian seornag manusia kepada Allah n sucinya cinta seorang mnusia sesama manusia... it is story about Azzam young businessman yg still x complete his degree in Egypt even though it's already 9 years while all his friends when his time already complete their master....he's a brilliant n inteligent student..tp disebabkan his dada passes away when he was in 2nd year made he decided to take his dad's responsibility as a head of famili..then he decided not to focused on his study but find a way to make money...then he became usahawan tempe n bakso (sumthing like mee sup or soto) for the indonesian n Malaysian community in Cairo n nearby... di sebabkan jd businessman tu la he have to extend his study to 9 years...mmg business dia berjaya smpi kedutaan Indonesia pun slaloo minatk dia utk sediakan makana kao ada function yg elibatkan Indonesia...dr situ la dia dpt duit utk family dia n his life kat Cairo.. let's talk bout dis novel...
aku gak recommend gak la citer nie kalo u look sumthing yg different...in other word motivation novel la gak..motivasi as manusia dlm segala hal - perniagaan, percintaan, kehidupan n sort of.... saper nak baca aku galak kan sangat..kalo korang minat AAc Insya Allah korang akan minat gak ngan ketikacinta bertasbih nieee... ]cgiooo.... Labels: my.review
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
@ 9:41 AM actually i've planned nak post benda nie dr 1st week kuliah laie..but since my journey take time gak nak siap so kena la delay smpi ke 3rd week...ptt aku dh 4rd year tp di sebabkan laie 2 credit hour utk 4th...so kena la stay 3rd year..(kalo x leh berlagak ngan uncle sorang tu.....) since it 's already 3rd week so leh la aku post progress 4 dis semester...4 all subjects dat i take dis sem.. WEB PROGRAMMING
dat's all folksss......... chioooo Labels: my.edu
Monday, July 21, 2008
@ 2:05 PM ![]()
overall as i said earlier experience nie mmg amazing n awesome yg mungkin aku x leh nak lupa smpi bler2....so demam journey aku dh abis...so leh la pasni back 2 normal..there's a lot yg aku nak post tp sbb journey nie kena la tangguh skit... Labels: my.journey
Friday, July 18, 2008
@ 10:22 AM if b4 dis i've told bout citer bes psl Kuching n Santubong (rmi gler sakit ati erkkk psl dis mountain...xper nnti kita wat rombongan p tangan santubong tu...hahahhah)...aku nak citer psl my 2nd n final day kat sarawak... on 3rd day kat Sarawak there's nothing interesting dat i share with u psl xder specific activity yg aku wat dat day except took pictures...took photos n posing maut dpn cam...hahhaha...it just ordinary day jerrr.....even ptt my family wanted to go to Swak Cultural Village kat SANTUBONG but xleh coz my committee hv to handle cultural nite mlm tu gak...so there's a lot of work 2 do including da video show 4 all the memory since da 1st day of the program 4 da closing show.... ok talk about cultural nite dat nite...event didn't run smoothly since there're technical + human problem that happened dat nite til aku malu n malas gler nak capture the photos for da entire event....but benda tu ilang after all da performances kira gempak except da modern poco2 dance by da teenagers dat really suck n x poco2 value at all compare to da poco2 performance by the kids b4 dat... ![]() **bdk2 multimedia yg berusaha keras gler2 punya.... don want 2 talk la bout dat nite psl aku rasa humilate myself masa tu even i'm x yg 100% in charge 4 da nite...fill stop!!!!!... ![]() **with miza n andi masa closing... ok time nak packing b4 da closing ceremony we've lunch at house n my family wants to bwk us to Santubong n pantai Pasir Damai (if i'm not mistake laa)...but since we've received call from our PM dat he VVIP - adun of dat place just arrives n having his lunch so we've to cancel da plan to santubong...once again frust gler masa tu....wat can i do kannn.... ![]() **me with zizi after da closing with feeling yg cam berbelah bagi so we've 2 accept that ot's time for us to back to semenanjung...we 've got a chance to hv a trip with our family depend on da family...since my family crazily wants to take us n fetch us to airport we agreed n dpt la jln2 ngan diorg around Kuching compare to those yg only naik bas jerr...so chances tu la aku gunakan btul2... ![]() **masa makan mee kolok kat satok....ni big family nyaa.. then we moved on to once again Kuching Waterfront but at dis time kat tmpt lain plak...kira Waterfront nie besar n panjang gak la jarak dia...tp area nie mmg nampak la semua tmpt...tmpt pun lawa.....once again i bought sourvenirs kat one of da famous shop yg jual almost all swak products....once again it's 4 myself...i bought mug n pasu kecik yg mmg ada nampak identity sarawak....guess wat xder la mahal sgt pun...since tkt budget lari n saving 4 sem yg bkk nie so kena la jimat skit..kalo ikut ati mmg mcm2 benda nak beli...but let's think it positively k...mayb some other time kalo dpt dtg laie ko leh borong byk2 kerr.... ![]() **kat kuching waterfront ![]() ** PUSAK monument....rmi yg tensen x dpt p....laie2 yg peminat PUSAK...hahhahah ![]() **ada yg jeles??hehehehhe then it's 4 us to go back to semenanjung...my family tu sanggup antar kitorg smpi airport tu...gler terharu...dh la my mum tu siap bekalkan kek lapis smpi 5 biji tu..then each of da family members give us sumthing cam baju, key chain each person...total up aku ngan zizi dpt la smpi 4 paper bes yg penuh ngan branag / sourviers utk kenangan... Labels: my.journey
Thursday, July 17, 2008
@ 12:07 PM since almost a week aku x update blog nie ngan part baru so time ni plak aku citer psl my 3rd part kat Kuching... nothing really special at da begining of da day...which is on July 3rd 2008....just did my task as a photographer x bertauliah...haahhhaa...after gotong royong pagi tu no program at all except free activities wit family...since tggl only my foster mum yg tggl while her oother daughters went work so xder la aktiviti sgt...
b4 went back home after gotong royong just lepaking at cc nearby...i thought dat it's just cc biasa ala2 standard kampung (no heart feeling erkkk!!!!)...bler aku msk cc tu one word...WOWWWWWW....advance gak la cc dia...kira setanding ngan cc kat bandar la...LCD monitors...HP PCs n more than 20 PCs available...since ada masa byk so dpt la surfing net xspecially Add/Drop session dat time...n also ngacau org kat blog diorg...they know who they r...hehhehe.. once again aku x xpect la connection dia laju...kira laju laie la dr connection kat ITD tu...opssss..hahhaha..then bdk2 kat situ pun kira advance laa...apa xnya at dat age of 7 or 8 diorg dh pandai bukak Youtube n Friendster....aku terkejut gak laaa....aku kalo dat time pun x reti laie pegang PC...hahhahaha.... enough 4dat....then duk blk umah n 4 sure la tdo kan...penat beb...hahhah...skip...skip...skip... after maghrib my foster sis asked me whether we hv prog or not...i answered not really la...Islamic Forum n then post mortem..she ajak aku ngan n another bro nak jln2 sambil makan2 kat Kuching Waterfront...memula cam ralat skit la nak p but since dat family didn't brought us anywhere aku just minatk excuse la from Alang (our PM) x 2 join dat post mortem...he agreed n gave us da excuse...so finally dpt la kuar..psl dat afternoon masa free tu bdk2 ni stok kuar p Kuching jer...frust la memula x dpt nak p kann..hahhahaha ok kitorg pun menympitkan la diri dlm kelias no plate KL tu 5 org..mmg sempit gak la...but we've to gak la kan...so 1st destination or wat i can say only destination is Kuching Waterfront....diorg belanja kitorg Sarawak's popular food - mee kolok n laksa sarawak...kitorg makan kat kedai yg quite famous gak la....kedai Pak Lah Boyan (at 1st aku tergelak la pasal i know wat Boyan means...hehhe) memula aku order laksa sarawak...sedap gler gak laaa...then they asked us to try mee kolok...i've heard dat mee b4 but don know wat exactly camner or taste....then i've decided dat mee kolok laie bes dr laksa tu even both tu mmg sedap...plus both tu mmg byk gak la dia bg...mmg byk n murah..RM 3.50 each..imagine la with dat price ko akan dpt skit jer beb...dat's y la org ckp barang kat Borneo mhal but food price mmg murah gler2... then just took photos 4 memory...bes gler la dpt p Waterfront tu...coz b4 ds just dgr ckp org jer...now i've been there.....huahuahuahau ![]() then kitorg naik perahu tambang utk ke seberang tu..kat seberang tu kira tmpt lepak2 gak laaa....ada shopping cmplx n then plg popular cats monuments.......since it;s Kuching, cat x call as kucing here but PUSAK...not word tu...people will tegur if u keep saying dat cat is Kucing.....hehehe... ![]() then after sorang muka penat n xder tmpt laie yg leh pegi si w decided to go back home...but 4 me dat nite really wonderful psl dpt gak round2 around Kuching....n Kuching look nice n beautiful at nite... so dat's all 4 part 3...nnti aku post part 4 mayb 2morrow... chiooooo Labels: my.journey
Monday, July 14, 2008
@ 2:35 PM dh sebulan lebih aku utang nak letak pic of my newly born anak buah...so rehat jap laer kk dr my sarawak trip..... btw her name is Nuramirah Dzakiah bt Ahmad Shahrir along, ain, anis n amira Labels: my.family
Thursday, July 10, 2008
@ 11:57 AM dis is my 2nd part of my community service...b4 dis i wrote bout wat happen b4 da prog n b4 arrive at Kuching....it's my plesure to write bout wat happen bler aku smpi jer kat Kuching.... jejak jer kaki kat Kuching tu aku dh terlebih ecxited...once again dream comes true...hehehheh...enough dat term...huahuahua...excited aku muncul bler nampak jer Sarawak dr flight aku tu....seriously mmg lawa beb Kuching dr atas....just look at da pics yg sempat aku tangkap.... ![]() **view from da flight... proceed la kat benda yg bes...as i said earlier....pemandangan n view sekitar Kuching tu mmg different than other places yg aku penah p...byk sungai..dat's wat i can say...bdk2 yg dlm bas mojority nya membuta...but not me...it's new palce 4 me..n xkan aku nak lepaskan jus like dat...n i'm a person yg ske tgk benda2 baru xspecially tempat...rugi beb byr mahal2 (x me laa) kalo p sana just nak tdo without see anything...i rather don hv enough sleep than nyesal x sudah next time... climax 4 dat bler kitorg lalu sungai santubong....only thing yg aku tau is Gunung Satubong but never heard bout Sungau Santubong n da jambatan...yg ni laie la aku excited bout dat mountain...view dis mountain from jambatan satung mmg fastinating n Subhanallah ciptaan Allah mmg lawa st..just look at dis pic...
b4 arrived at dis kampung i thought it just ordinary kampung nelayan..but after sampi jer kampung ni...WOWWWWW....totally different from others...mayb it's my 1st time p kampung nelayan...maybe...wat i can say kampung tu modern sgt...every 100 metres kompom akan ada org berniaga no matter it's food, ikan, seafood etc...then we proceed to da main hall 4 preparation 4 opening ceremony... don wanna talk bout da whole event but just events yg ada sumthing special k...aku dapat famili angkat yg single mother with 4 women...but x all anak diorg duk skali...2 dh kawin da others keja at kuching but x stay at dat home....houses....most of da houses there mmg besar...aku x rasa sgt duk kat kg nelayan....in short modern kampung nelayan...makcik halimah mmg bes glerr....nasib la aku paham skit bhs sarawak since aku penah ada members yg ckp sarawak dulu xspecially miraz.....so xder la kekok sgt kot nak paham...but major prob bler nak ckp....i don hv any chance learn bhs sarawak...i hate 2 admit dat..hehehhe.. petang tu free time ngan famili...without any official activity...since my mak angkat bz prepare 4 dinner aku ngan brother angkat aku - azizi decided round kampung tu by motor...memula lpk padang boal since my brother angkat aku kaki bola....then bler bosan p la jln2 kg tu smpi la tepi pantai...but unfortunately xleh la nak p pantai tu sgt psl dh terhakis....just took several pics 4 memory la...once again gr8 scenery.... ![]() from here also aku dpt tgk gunung santubong...with different angle...then we're just went back home since kat sini gelap awal..then lepak la ngan adik angkat kitorg...we call her as cucu...(forgot 2 asked her full name)....jus asked herany interesting places there....dia ckp ada blakang umah nie ada laut n leh tgk gunung santubong tu dekat2..so jus wat jungle trackong skit la nak p sana...once again bler smpi jer tmpt tu once again aku kagum ngan ciptaan Allah...indah sungguh beb...ngan matahari nak terbenam...depan mata plak santubong tgh terletak..laie la aku cam nak p sana.... so ngan pantasnya digi cam aku tu jd mangsa la 4 posing time....xnak ckp byk...just look at da pics yaaaa....hehehhe ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() overall 4 my day wat i can say is Gunung Santubong...in my head 4 da next day n day is Gunung Santubong...aku kagum n inspire ngan kecantikan dia...even mayb people ckp semua gunung sama jerrrr xder beza sgt pun....but Santubong 4 me mmg different sgt...cam ada aura yg wat aku nak tengok jer santubong always.... next part gonna be da 2nd day kot yg mostly about experience aku kat bandar Kuching...just wait yaaa... chiooo.... Labels: my.journey
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
@ 10:00 AM ![]() dr dulu Sarawak especially is my fave place in Malaysia dat i really wanna go....finally da harapan come reality....before final exam sem 2 i've been choosen 2 become a committee for community service in bureau Multimedia - sumthing dat i really like...of coz la i'm da ICT student...hehhehhe actually it's my intro 4 aka part 1 4 da whole event starting on 1-7 July 2008....i don know until wat part i'm gonna write bout this Kuching experiences....wat can i say i gonna be long story n experiences..... b4 become a committe 4 dis program i've to attend some interview in order to get this post...during dat time...i'm x performing well mayb coz i'm kind of person yg x biasa strangers (org yg aku x knal sgt laaaaa)...after da interview session, i'm x really berharap akan dpt...but Alhamdulillah i succeed to be selected as a member of the prog... become any committee we've sacrifice time and time....so most of da meeting was organized during short sem meaning i've to come almost every week to attend dat...since i'm x taking short sem...dat's one of my sacrifice 4 dis prog....mmg penat but dat da thing dat i've 2 pay to join dis rog since da interview session... straight 2 da day that's mean July 1st 2008...after having tiring preparation since June 28-30, we've a free day to do some packong and self preparation 4 da prog that will start at 10...i've packed all my luggage since last nite (meaning June 30th)..so leh la aku nak budget byk mana baju n other stuffs yg leh aku bwk n sumbat dlm beg aku tu...dat July 1st i've planned to borrow my cousin's camera after last minute task as a photographer 4 da whole event...i was really tiring day but it's really worth it coz da time i'm waiting 4 come reality... dat nite after all da final check 4 all my belonging it's time to kuar blik n heading to MPH Hafsa for final preparation, registration, briefings etc....i've asked my fren - asrul to antar to MPH since my luggage almost full n it's really far from siddiq.... b4 briefing n wore da official T-shirt 4 da event mmg bohsan tahap melampau n i've decided nak menziarah makcik n makcik kat CC hafsa since diorg tgh kerja keras utk belanja aku (hahhahah)....memula tu sorang tu nearly kantoi ngan aku...but x obvious sgt la kekatoian dia tu...hahah...PEACE....then baru la dtg sorang laie makcik tu....ngan nasi n lauk yg cam menyelerakan tu..hahhaha....duk la meayan diorg kejap...yer lerr..layan kan la warga tua tu..kang majuk plak....huahuahauahua ![]() then after that sambung alie briefing ngan speeches by principles from both mahallah n also from other committees...jus dengar n then after dat just waiting 4 busses arrive yg mana plan kul 2 baru sampai...at dat time it's only 12..so other 2 hours we just doing nothing...just lepaking n borak n ngutuking......hahha then bus pun sampai...so semua wat muka excited nak p sana..padahal flight kul 7 pagi lak tu....there're still hv 5 hours...dm bus rmi gak la yg tdo..but not me coz i felt sumthing wrong will happened coz bus tu mmg laju...n i can felt da bus bergoyang...aku kalo time camtu mmg akan bersusah payah akan x tdo....cuak beb...then smpi jer kat ampang tetiba ada la sebijik keta ngan laju nya potong dat bus...at 1st aku x pasan sgt..just ignore la kot i thought it's racing car...but unfortunately aku x pasan kat keta tu ada lampu...in short keta tu keta polis....bus kitorg kena thn...at first x tau la psl apa...mmg blur gak la....yer lerr...pagi2 buta tu...time pptt tdo beb tp x tdo psl risau...pakcik driver kena saman...poor him....really????it took almost an hour 2 settle dat....Thank God time nak check in lama laie..kalo x sah2 la kena tggl flight...hahahha ![]() kitorg smpi LCCT pun almost 4 n gathered kat dpn McD LCCT 2 make sure semua ada kat situ without anyone tertinggal kat UIA...hahhahha.... ![]() after Subh payer, flight kitorg dh kena pggl utk cek in n dpt boarding passn ticket(is it???)..semua help each other smpi area2 yg kitorg lepak tu penuh ngan makhluk TUHAN plg hijau jerr...but me coz aku berjaya sorok kat sweater tu..hehehhe flight kitorg kul 7.05 pg directly to Kuching International Airport...so really excited la especially those yg 1st time naik flight (including me....)...kalo dulu asyik kena jer ngan famili aku coz i'm da only 1 yg x naik flight lie...finally i managed to naik gak...heheheh... it took bout 1 hour n 40 minutes...dlm flight just duduk n cuci mata coz stewadest mmg lawa2 n cun2 beb especially chine girl tu....fprgot la nak amik pic ngan dia...then just sleep untuil announce nak arrive at Kuching..... next part i'm gonna write about 1st day @ Kuching..hiope u guys wait 4 da yaaa.... chioooo... Labels: my.journey