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Thursday, August 28, 2008
@ 3:29 PM Last nite was really gr8 4 me..dat y la after took bath jer trus about it..hehhehe..4 those yg x phm apa wat I’m talking bout is I’m one of the committee for MALAM SIMFONI KESYUKURAN or in other word – NASYID PERFORMANCE that involve a lot of big name in nasyid industry that is RAIHAN, RABBANI, HIJJAZ, SAUJANA, NOWSEEHEART, FAREAST n SYIFA’…I’m responsible for PREPERATION N TECHNICAL bureau..so just like da bureau I’ve have2 focus n all the preparation of the event and the technical part 2ward da event… Since all the technical parts managed by Rabbani production, so my bureau didn’t hv a lot of work 2 do…but just make sure everything is under control n fine…at 1st I’ve 2 prepare flash backdrop that will be display using projector..but last minutes the PM said that the organizer has e-mail him da backdrop so all my work worthless laa…but I realize that nmy design a lil bit kureng…hehheeh… Yesterday, it was a buzy day for me because not only hv 2 focus on da event but also the case study presentation yg payah yaa amat…ask fixa how bising aku bler keja yg aku harapkan dr my anak buah x menenpati citarasa aku…(I’m getting 2 become perfectionist dh niee…hehehe) than plak at 5 I’ve my skill class…but since da cikgu finished class awal so xder la tensen sgt psl event tu.. After class skill abis aku trus p CAC ngan basah hujan..4 me it’s ok psl that the thing that I’ve 2 pay joining any event… Frankly I’m not a nasyid fan…but aku tau gak la some of celebrities in that industry…dat’s y la during 1st hour handling da camera n projector at back stage aku x excited sgt..smpi ada sorang tu msg aku tnya aku bosan ker idak???at 1st yes psl xtau wat will happen…until la smua penyanyi2 nasyid tu lepak kat tmpt aku handle dat machine tu..baru la namapk bes sn fun skit when they citer everything psl diorg…don ask me coz I couldn’t remember dat… Typically people say that artis2 nasyid ni jenis yg baik2 sgt2 n pendiam..trust me they not..some of them gila2 gak perangai cam org biasa but in proper way la…diorg still bg contoh kat kita semua…n even diorg dlm industry yg full of backstabbing among artists but I can see clearly..diorg mmg close like brothers… Bler situation dh panas n exceed tha phase leh msk dlm character msg…tu psl la dpt capture photos with them…they’re very sporting laa…x byk soal pun nak minak amik gambar..just look at pic2 yg aku tepek nie jer yerr…aku sempat maik pic ngan all Raihan (x complete sgt psl CHE AM xder that time…don know wat da reason)…n ada borak2 skkit ngan abg AMRAN RAIHAN (teringat kat akak aku b4 dia kawin…she really crush with abg AMRAN nie..heheh) n Ustaz ASRI who is one of my fave nasyid singer kat msia nie…he’s very sporting gak laa…also with all members of Saujana..sori I couldn’t remember their name xcept ABG PIAN yg kitorg dpt knal ngan diorg 2 days b4 da actual event during da meeting with Rabbani Produstion side…n also abg MUNIF (Hijjaz)..masa memula nak amik gambar ngan dia rasa cam tkt2 gak la psl dia nie pendiam sgt n sepatah cakap sepatah dia jawab…nak kata semua sporting la bler mintak bg kerjasama…wat a nice kerjasama ngan diorg tu… Wat ever it is..kerja ngan org2 pro nie laie senang nak handle psl sorg2 mmg mature kalo bab2 cooperation nien they understand u if u’re still learning..nice working with them beb..tired tu gone 4eva beb…kalo nak 100 times nak cooperate ngan diorg nie SUMPAH X TOLAK!!!!!!!...unlike other artist xspecially yg perasan diri tu bagus sgt!!!... Credit 2 FIZA HANIF ZAINON psl gave me borrows his cam…kalo xde cam mmg ternganga la aku kat backstage tu…hehhhe…n to LYNN coz blaja nasi lemak even kena makan at 2 am..hehhehe..n tq guys yg phm situation bz aku tu especially bdk2 IAG yg understand me when I’m cannot come 2 training 4 dis Friday performance… See yaaa…special tu makcik aton….YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Choiii…. ![]() me with new line up 4 SAUJANA...xtau plak diorg dh ada new members.... ![]() wit abg MUNIF (HIJJAZ)... ![]() wit RAIHAN..slack la che Am xder....miss da original members of them...
Labels: my.entertainment
Monday, August 25, 2008
@ 2:18 PM last week was a disaster week 4 me dis sem..i've had 1 mid term, 3 test, 2 presentation n 1 repot 2 submited....ngan meeting 4 nasyid concert yg baru nak mula even da event will held dis wednesday laie la wat aku pening n x tentu arah...da key of any prob tu --> FOCUS!!!!!!once u focus on sumthing, no matter whjat happen during dat time u can face it calmly..tu yg aku wat kalo sumthing happen 2 me..even though i cannot stop complaining but keja must jalan....wat a combination rite!!! ;) if last weekk my life full with education prob but this week bz plak ngan event...ISLAMIC MEGA PEFORMANCE this wednesday (August 26 2008)...i'm da in Preparation & Technical (Prep n Tech) Committee jerr...even just a subcom tp keja dia only Allah knows...hehhe...psl we're only 4 of us so keja technical nie byk gler...sound system, stage deco etc...byk beb...but i'm habdling da backdrop jerr...but hv to back up gak la benda2 lain yg related... but sumthing yg interesting last weekend when IAG organized IAG'S DAY OUT or easy understanding - INDUCTION COURSE...it was a exciting experiences n fun gak coz it's time 4 me nak all out semua tension from da previous week... i admit semua tension tu ilang bler join benda2 tu...gr8 job fixa n all da committees erkk...u guy rock beb..even a lil bit tired but i've got a wonderful sunday beb...rather than duk blik n wat taik mata better ada activity camtu..at least dpt la knal ngan lebih mendalam bdk2 IAG semua psl b4 dis i couldn't their name n even face skali pun...dat's my biggest prob kalo br knal org or x close enough... activities even ada kureng skit but janji aku happy glerrr...ignore dat line k bout kureng tu....hehehhehe..janji dpt mkn free kan...(even benda tu include in our yuran gak.hahhah) tq gak kat grup member aku- nad, n najwa n x 2 forget our import member - muhsin (farah's bro) psl bg kejasama as groupmate yg bes sgt until we become da 1st team 2 arrived ngan cam2 halangan tp we done a good job 2ward all tasks... wat ever pun janji semua yg participates n committees happy..hope ada la benda yg intereting yg involve ngan semua bdk2 angklung...dh 2 events dh sem nie...dua2 benda yg seronok n all seronok n njoy themselves...IDUP IAG!!!!!!!!! b4 nak sign off nie i just want 2 promote da nasyid 2morrow nite...dtg a yer...it's only RM6 n u'll have a gr8 performance by da biggest name in nasyid industry - Raihan, Rabbani, Hijjaz, Saujana, Fareast, Syifa' n Nowseeheart...if u're da big fan of nasyid u must come...again..DATANG LA YERR!!!!... dat's all folks..ada benda nak bebel...i'll will... chiooooo... Labels: my.life
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
@ 11:45 AM ok cut it short!!! citer psl kekalahan Lee Chong Wei 4 gold medal match between him n Lin Dan...frankly aku x marah or kecewa ngan kekalaham dia coz he's da only athelete yg tggl utk grab da medal even b4 dis org target our beregu emas (not emas anymore....consider it as besi buruk k...) yg leh bring back sumthing from beijing olympic nieee... mmg last sunday punya match was the disaster performance ver by chong wei but kalo we deeply look kan nampak sgt dia stress n pressure ngan situation time tu...everyone pressure him to grab dat gold medal a.k.a million ringgit tu...dr ke minister smpi la ke media n of coz Malaysia yg pressure even indirectly but let's imagine la dh la time2 dia tu tgh genting n people keep pressuring him until dia sendiri cannot play well...nampak sgt lin dan nak take a revenge masa kalah memalukan kat chong wei masa semi final thomas cup last may...he well prepared gler dh last sunday tu ok review from dat match...like i said b4 chong wei not performed like usual psl i really understand da way he play...kung fu badminton - bg jer la bola kat ner kompom dia akan kejar (unlike another uncle tua yg malas gler nak lari even kaki panjang)...but da mistakes that he keep repeating was bagi bola tanggung depan net..mmg nahas laaa...laie 1 error kat net yg dia wat masa match tu..n not fit enough 4 da major tournament..olympic punya atmosphere totally different beb...laie la pressure kat as nomination nak dpt malaysia's 1st gold medal... kalo tgk blk from da begining of olympic org target kat dia jerr...n i can see yg he's da only one yg bebetul main while da others cam nak p melancong or in short nak crk galmor main kat olympic...yg others semua main cam bdk2 yg baru seminggu pegang raket...tu la players malaysia kalo nak tau...i think u realize that rite???? n media pun satu kes yg x sudah2 nak nyusah kan players....they can just simply puji melangit kalo some1 tu dpt sumthing yg tggi n sampai x abis seminggu citer...kalo leh nak jd headlines utk satu2 kejayaan tu 4 bout a week...n then da players nie biasa la bler dh publicity camtu mula la besaq klapa..xder nak improve benda yg ada lack tu...duk la khayal ngan beda yg sementara tu..n then bler jatuh siap la media akan kutuk kaw2 punya...xingat dunia punya... dat's da real situation mayb not only kat msia but also kat mana2 negara kat dunia nie..i just wanna hope dat chong wei akan recover from da pain last sunday tu n just forget wat happen...bcoz wat i can say is he's da bes badminton player yg msia penah lahirkan..psl 4 me rashid sidek pun susah nak dpt tahap cam chong wei...both of them r truly da real badinton players beb... dis year byk laie tournaments yg dia leh masuk..n 4 olympic see u in 2012, gold medal..hehhehe(hopefully)... chiooooo Labels: my.sport
Saturday, August 16, 2008
@ 1:50 AM ![]() this is one of my latest fave tv series...actually kat U.S skarng dh abis season 2 but i managed 2 finish season 1 citer nie...4 ur info season 1 aired on 2006.... citer ni wat can i say is full of drama + lawak (ask my roomates how crazy i am when watch dis series) + suspen..but da main important part bout dis series is da family value yg jd concept series nie... dis series is about walker family yg ada william walker, nora walker with their 6 children - sarah, kitty, tommy, kevin n justin..bler william mati da entire family knew that william has an affair with holly smpi ada anak...time tu mmg sentap la diorg nie psl almost 20 years of having dat kind of relationship baru diorg tau citer sebenarnya psl holly n william masa funeral william.... plus ngan family business yg tgh bergolak psl x enough fund 4 da next 5 years laie la wat dis weird family bergolak... series nie gak ada unsur2 politik..meaning da battle between republican n democrat dlm family nie...slip ideology beb...org kuat republican - sarah as a host kat dlm satu talk show bout politic before she got fired...while da other famili members plak more to democrat..but after all even different ideology but they still together 2 continue their life... wat i can say dis family is very close each other...example la kalo sumone ada prob or secret, he/she will refer 2 only one person n x smpi sejam berita tu akan sampai kat telinga smua siblings yg lain...n dat time la wat funny thing happen...they will blame each other n then ungkit anything dat happened b4...time tu mmg porak peranda gak la sorang2 psl nak menangkan diri sendiri..at dis point la i'll laugh like hell...syok gler bler diorg gaduh beb.. but even gaduh2 pun but they still will help each other...discuss any matters arise n solve it 2gether...kat situ nampak bes jer dior...gaduh la camner pun smpi nak kill each other...at da end diorg will 2gether n better than b4... ![]()
i recommend dis series those yg ske citer pasal family value..kekadang kita leh amik iktibar gak kalo tgk citer2 western nie...x all western series tu negative...we've 2 look deeply inside wat r da message that they want to deliver to us..... i'm still working on season 2 psl aku br jer jumpa 7 episod jerr...n really excited 2 watch seasin 2 tu...after all just wait n settle all da matters atise on me... those yg nak tgk n try nak hayati (ceewahhhhh) ust inform me..i'll give u dvd yg akan aku burn later on... orait...da's all folks... chiooo p/s excited to watch season 6 of one tree hill dat will be air other 3 weeks....hehhehe Labels: my.series
Friday, August 15, 2008
@ 4:38 PM 2 cut it short..aku x plan langsung nak dpt any jawatan kat UIA nie...but mmg rezeki aku kot Allah nak bagi suh aku aktif + wat sumthing yg different yg sllao aku wat b4 dis...aku x expect langsung nak dpt any post coz i know myself well..like i said in previous post...mayb people look sumthing interesting in myself yg aku sendiri x pasan... aku dpt post as head of Public Relation n Information...dis one yg official punya...PR????OMG frankly aku punya PR la yg plg teruk...i don know how 2 handle peoploe expecially strangers.....but still i'll learn bout dat...it's a rite time 4 me to minggle around with others...x al pokus kat member2 yg aku dh knal b4 dis... actually dis sem xder la major task yg aku kena handle...only organizational chart MRC yg aku kena handle...n also buletin MRC 4 da residents yg aku kena publish mayb 2 per sem...but i'm woring 2 publish it sebanyak mungkin kalo dpt approval...actually aku ada byk idea nak wat tp kena tgk gak time aku camner...psl tetiba aku di burden ngan macam2 benda (actually bkn force erkk..tp akus ensitri yg volunteer nak wat benda tu)...another task dat i hv to handle is Siddiq's official website...xder la payah sgt coz skrang nie pun aku still work on BENL conference's website yg dh lama aku x update...but slow2 beb psl benda tu pun based on request by higher authority...so xder la payah sgtr nak handle...i just edit a lil bit n then republish it... dat's y la skrang i've 2 pretend dat nothing happen kat aku depan org lain (franklyyyy) even dlm kpala otak nie byk benda aku nak pikir n settle kan...but biasa la kalo ko dh ada respoinsible ko kena focus on dat n do it without any silly reason...dat's life is all about.. once again kalo ada nampak aku cam mereng + ngacau org beriya2..tu tanda kau nak ilang stress aku nie...ari tu masa IAG birthday celebration mmg tensen aku release bler tgk semua wat perangai gler2...dr ke kakak2 yg tua smpi la adik2 yg muda...all of them show their true color..smpi aku yg tgh tensen pun leh lupa ngan semua prob aku...tq guyssss......dh lama x enjoy segila camtu... next wekk gonna make my brain gler..mayb brain disorder kot...presentation + 3 tests+ 1 midterm every day...straight from monday smpi la ke friday...n psl tu la aku kena p[ostpone utk blk umah...Alhadulillah la my parents understand my situation even diorg cam syak sumthing yg x btul jer lateluy...but finally they understand my position skrang nieee...bottom of my heart mmyg rindu la nak blk..at least dpt la jumpa anak2 buah aku tu...miss them a lot laaa...tp xper laaa...mid break pun just around da corner...i want 2 enjoy myself selagi leh... aku rasa takat nie la kot nak bebel..sori u've to read 2 post straight...blog pun one of my place to release tensen... ok choiii...coming soon...not decide yettt... bye!!!! Labels: my.life
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
@ 9:30 AM
orait dat it la 4 dis post...actually ada byk yg aku nak citer utk lately nie...tp sbb xnak nampak panjang sgt so i decide nak wat different post la erkk..
chiooo.... Labels: my.life
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
@ 9:46 AM soru coz u've 2 wait long 4 my latest post....wat can i do...skrang nie musim bz ngan assignment n prog n also wat i'm gonna share with u skrang nie.... benda dia lagu nie..i'm x a type of person yg rajin nak join any prog n club since poli laie...but finally i realize that benda tu semua penting 4 my future..xkan la aku nak duk pokus kat pelajaran yg just only teori jerr...x practical part....practical part here means other than blaja u also hv to focus on campur ngan org lain other than ur classmate...after this u'll x working with books...frankly classmate aku pun x knal nama diorg especially sisters...hehehhe)..at least u've show ur apperance in front of da people + ur capability of handling with people....PUBLIC RELATION katanyaaa..... let's start with da main topic k...aku rasa my 3rd year la aku nampak aktif skit kat UIA after my 1st n 2nd year asyik gadap buku jer(really??????kidding jer beb...)even x aktif sgt la kan my first part of my 3rd year....da starting poing of being active in dis UIA nie mmg IAG...glad to scream IAG is my 1st step!!!!!...mmg jasa IAG xleh aku nak lupa la....pasal kat situ la aku knal rmi members, learn sumthing new - MUSIC.......n IAG la my 1st step dat i learn more bout time management..even ngan IAG x sepadat yg lain but i managed my time very well with my study n main2...hehehhee then masa 3rd year gak la my 1st big program 4 me - conmmunity service kat sarawak...nothing much 2 say bout dis prog la coz i already told u dat stry rite....dat prog la laie la wat aku semangat nak trus aktif 4 my remaining sem kat UIA nie....n still trus aktif ngan IAG even lately cam ssh skit aku nak commit but i try my best.. suddenly aku ter "apply" 4 da post of MRC Siddiq...i just try jerrr..or at least sub com kerr...but suprisingly trus dpt head com (wat bureau???i don hv da answer coz 2nite it's gonna be da AGM 2 clarify all post for each of us...) frankly aku x target pun any post especially da main board punya post...seriously...but Rezaki Allah dh dpt just accept it...it might be any purpose n hikmah behind dat...just wait n see erkk... aku pun x tau apa kualiti aku sebenarnya smpi dpt benda2 camtu...me myself xnampak pun any GOOD quality on me....wat i can say aku nie lack of communication skill n aku leh pengsan kot kalo ckp dpn crowd...heheheh...or mayb diorg nampak aku nak leh handle org kot...or mayb leh lead people...but i can lead people tp in other way laaa....in short aku ske lead org utk benda2 yg kau prefer n like jerrr.... that's da thing yg aku xtau about myself...mayb different people different view bout other people kann...benda yg kita x realise tu la yg org akan nampak n ingat sampi bler2...i'll work on that...bler org dh trust kat ko of coz la they find sumthing special n interesting bout urself...wat we hv 2 do is pay back da trust dat the people gave u....kan benda tu win-win situation... wat can i do is try my best 2 do my job n hopefully i can get support from my friends, my family n da rest laa...i really need guidance psl benda nie sumthing newreally new...aku takaut gak la aku x dpt nak puas kan hati org lain... n aku gak harap org akan paham keadaan aku kalo tetiba aku ilang, or x dpt nak commit 4 sumthing especially IAG but i try la nak commite coz 4 me IAG is everything...psl IAG la benda 1st aku wat akt UIA nie...n IAG la aku learn a lot... most important thing i need doa n support from u guys...ur doa n support mmg jd semangat utk aku...psl time2 skrang nie aku blur n still terkejut ngan apa yg jd skrang nie...MRC????i couldn't imagine it b4 beb.... Labels: my.life