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Friday, October 24, 2008
@ 5:19 PM next week is gonna be da time for IIUM students to prepare 4 a war...yes..it's true that next week gonna be an examination weeks 4 us...ready???frankly i not ready yet...since last weeks b4 da final weeks i really bz with da projects and assignments n not 2 forget the proposal for my final year project nest semester. after one work done I've to focus on other works, NON STOP...my life really miserable n horrible during da weeks after raya...it's not about last minutes work but overload work that gave by all the lecturers...no mercy at all i guess...wat can i say...buat bod n do da best 4 all da works... back 2 my exam...my exam start on October 29, 2008 and finish on November 11, 2008..people might say that u've hv enough time 2 catch up with da silibus...but there's no gap between critical subject with another subject especially web programming paper..i've really have 2 focus on this paper due da the horrible CAM...but da gap between dis paper with da paper b4 it just 2 day..my lecturer said if u really want 2 score dis subject or at least at safe level, u've to spend at leat 5 days..if i use that method, i'll suffer 4 my other subjects...OMG..how can i settle this matter???wait n see jer la wat can i really do...HELP!!!!! but i think i wanna njoy all papers just like wat i did since diploma time dulu...tp still la akan jd owl 4 da next 2 weeks nie with total up 2 of 5 weeks since last 3 weeks...nhahah..pening kan...just ignore it... here da list of da wars that i'll be will go...hopefully everything is fine n hopefully aku lepas semua papers...heheh n those yg tgh sruggle gak nak exam good luck...don study really hard...take a rest kalo dh x leh nak msk laie wat ever yg korang baca...wat da purpose kalo penat study but u get NOTHING...so just do wat ever you able to do...don push urself really hard...remeber we're not robot!!!!.. apa2 pun once again GOOD LUCK!!!!!... Labels: my.life
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
@ 4:22 PM i watched dis movie rite after came back from xoxo's open house 2gether with zahid..but suddenly zahid tarik diri since da show started at 6.30 n he has a lot of works to do...but i've already got a fren 2 watch...da one n only my polytech yg slaloo aku contact - miraz..both of us really crazy 2 watch dis movie after addict with da series at 8tv a few months back.. dat day was a really good time 4 me 2 watch dat movie after having a bad day with a bunch of assignments and projects..let's enjoy 4 a moment.. wat i can say bout da movie???
wat can i say if u need citer psl frenship dis is it...no matter wat people said bout dis movie (citer xder mesej lgsg n film yg merosakkan teenagers..)but i like it...who cares wat people said... rating : 4/5....less 1 rate coz slow motion punya progress at da middle of da film... chiooo... Labels: my.movie
Thursday, October 16, 2008
@ 5:45 PM already watch dis film..i'm really excited watching dis film since i'm da biggest fan of da series even though i'm x into gig or indie band but da series really amazing..just watch dis film las wekk with my bes bes...da review later erkk..i need some time 2 settle all my assignments n projects.... ![]() Labels: my.movie
Monday, October 13, 2008
@ 2:57 PM tq dekT 4 da tag..... n also for nenek pusak n faza...sine nie bundle version each of the tagger has their own color...so jgn silap sudeyy yerr... dekT nenek pusak faxa 1. What is the relationship of you and her? **lunchster **IAG teacher **kaki kaco kak atun... **IAG members... **some1 older than me...hehehhe **DHF dat INSECT..refer 2 kak atun erkk... heheh **used 2 be tukang wt minutes... **SOCA gurl... **wanita penyabar....hehehhe 2. Your 5 impressions towards her. **music lover ** comel lol ** agressive ** our IAG sweet heart (hahahha) **cina sepets DHF.... **kuat makan tp sekeping gak... **mangsa bully... **comel...ya rite!!!hahaha **kaki pukul bongooo.... **penakut ngan seokor makhluk Allah... **senyum + moody at da same time (kompius gwee...) **suka ngan penjara..hahahha **ya Allah penyabar ngan makhluk Allah nieee... **mangsa gossip???xoxo... **supplier tissue after lunch... 3. The most memorable things she had done for you. idea 2 design dis blog kaunter lepaskan geram + secret..hehehhe lunchsters pic masa fixa's burfday...really nice!!! 4. The most memorable things she have said to you? karut nieee..... nasihat byk sgt...smpi x leh nak dh msk otak dh..hahahha..tq 4 dat sis... nasihat gakk...tq too... 5. If she become your lover, you will... never..never..never!!!!nehiii..nehii.. of coz not coz she's older than me...hehhe of not too coz she's younger tah me...abis camno...hahah 6. If she become your enemy, you will... **kaco her back!!!! **steal her music talents.... **simpang malaikat sgt2... **she's still da bes sis.... **no way..never +never = never power by 2... **she's good person beb... 7. If she become your lover, she has to improve on... no comment!!heheheh no comment too.. refer to da answers above... 8. If she become your enemy, the reason is... cannot think at dis moment...neverr kot... xnak laaa... perluker nak musuh???? 9. The most desirable thing to do on her is? lepaking with her n da lunchsters alwayzzz kaco dia alwayss.....but she accept it cos she used to be..hehehhe...x heart feeling maaa lepaking with her n lunchsters even semua dh grad.. 10. The overall impression of her is... Iucky 2 hv those kind of frens... tq sis 4 everything...siap la yer kena kaco...huhuhu kalo dpt p SELATAN tu ajak2 yerr..heehhekidding ;p 11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you? up 2 them.... 12. The character of you for yourself is? hepi go lucky 13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is? moody x kena tmpt...probably 14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is? Fahri of AAC.hahahha..InsyaAllah 15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them. cayang korang!!!! 16. Ten people to tag: 1. nenek nana 2. makcik atun 3. fixa hanif zainon 4. pzan upsi 5. faxa 6. azuwachan 7. IRAziz 8. zahid jaafar 9. n/a 10. n/a 17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with? **my angklung makcik **use 2 be IAG president **having an affair with LIPASSSS 18. Is no. 3 a male or a female? see with ur own...haha...male laaa 19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing? no related at all coz no 10 is invinsible....hahha 20. How about no. 5 and 8? just fren..same batch n age n graduate 2gather.... 21. What is no. 1 studying about? BENL.....literature la sgt kannnn 22. Is no. 4 single? ntah laaa... 23. Say something about no. 6 sudahh la ko!!!!! dat's all folksss...... Labels: my tag
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
@ 12:15 PM Nothing really special bout my raya dis year. Da only thing dat i think interesting when we celebrate with our new family member - Noramira Zakiyyah Ahmad Sharir. A lil girl yg baru 4 months. Other than dat my life for dis raya full with Makan + Bantai tgk TV...hehehe.... A day b4 raya was da busiest day 4 me coz i'm da only 1 yg incharge about da houseincluding decorate overall umah + sembur lantai kat dpn umah etc... while my mum bz with cooking da dishes. Since my bro has a week holiday ada gak la yg akan tlg aku kalo x i'm da only person yg suffer....hahhahaha A day b4 raya tu gak la my bro n I have a last minute shopping da da drinks n benda2 yg nak bg kat tetamu..Since all da perbelanjaan by my bro so i can take wat eva i want...it's not 4 tetamu dh but 4 myself.. :p Malam raya plak my sis 4 da 1st time wat majlis takbir dr umah ker umah...since my bro in law is da head for dat program so my bro n i have to come la 2 help a lil bit even da visitors only 15 of them...after dat around 12 we went 2 ampangan which all things that sell during Ramadhan were lelong since it was a final day of Ramadhan...There's a lot of things da already lelong - kuih, clothes, shoes etc...i didn't feel like buying anything psl xder benda pun nak bli... Raya time...dis year i woke up a lil bit late mayb pasal heavy rain kot during subuh...tp still pegi smayang raya k...WAJIB tu!!!!!!after that p kubur my late grand dad n grand mum kat seremban b4 we decided to go back to kampung 2 visit my uncles n nenek sedara... da compulsary masa raya nie kompom la makanan kan..frankly time raya la i'll melantak cam nak gler..selagi leh msk tu sumbat jerr..hahhaha...but tp xder la smpi nak jd ular sawa...apa susah pas raya diet puas2...(yucksss!!!!!)... 2nd day of raya kitorg p KL once again 2 visit relative...satu kat ampang n another one kat cheras...cam terbalik la plak kan...time2 raya nie org blk kg but my family went 2 KL...mmg aman damai KL time2 raya,,,sunyi beb...xder la jam memanjang..hahhaha... 3rd day plak just lepak kat umah n waiting for da others plak yg dtg...since my makcik planned 2 come to mine as usual my mum cook da fave dish eve...SOTO!!!we've only hv a chance 2 taste it once a year jerr...mmg soto la plg fave dlm family aku masa time raya...kemang, ketupat, rendang mmg akan tolak tepi la...honestly dh 3 taun aku x makan lemang...don know y tp mmg tekak nie x mau masuk kalo ngan lemang..but i like 2 process bwat lemang..but i don hv a chance to try...hehhehe 4 me raya aku smpi yg ke3 jer coz there's a lot i've to think...my assignm,ent + project + proposal FYP n cam2 laie laaa...psl tu la every time jer aku terpikir which 1 i hv to settle 1st...tensen2 jer pikir psl benda tu da solution is TELEVISION!!!... dis raya byk sgt citer yg aku tgk smpi aku x ingat citer apa yg dh aku tgk...but my fave show is P RAMLEE THE MUSICAL season 2...since my bro subscribe channel raya astro tu dpt gak la epas geram bler x dpt tgk yg 1st season (people knew y i'm so stress coz miss da 1st season..hhahhahah)... show was superb...mmg rugi la sesaper yg x tgk...pelakon + plot n everything seem perfect...4.8/5 stars...even i did like much da main lead but he done a very good job..aku nampak P Ramlee kat dia...mmg lakonan mantap la except da way he perform kalo nyanyi...a lil bit annoying la gak... apa2 pun aku rasa my raya dis year just average jerrr tp still aku rasa seronok bler lepak2 + jumpa2 ngan sedara yg setaun skali jumpa..next year gonna my last raya as student...mana la tau leh kumpul duit raya laie...hahhaha CHOWWWW... p/s - sorry 4 late submission coz i already settle my FYP project n there 80% EAP term paper...next post i'll review abou KAMI da movie....4 da pre intro..wat i can see it's superb movie...i really njoy it... Labels: my.raya